

  1. 宅急網股份有限公司(以下稱:貴公司)實施【電子化繳費通知】,將按本人在裝機時所提供本人的電子信箱及手機號碼、於租期屆滿前發送電子郵件及簡訊通知,並同意按貴公司官網所示各項繳費機制繳交續期費用。租期屆滿後可依照當時官網(https://www.jgnet.tw)公告的資費方案重新擇一租期或速率方案。
  2. 日後若要提前解約,請先來電客服洽詢是否尚有費用可退,以免親臨門市卻無費用可退。若有費用可退本人應與宅急網約定時間後,攜帶身分證件親至貴公司營運處辦理退租,並同意依【月牌告價】費率(如下表)按日計算已使用天數之租金、扣除當期享有的優惠(如裝機費優惠、贈品費用、違約金等)後退回餘款。續約後若提前解約者免扣前項優惠。申請信用卡定期代繳方案欲停止租用,需以電話或電子郵件通知貴公司自下期開始停止扣款。當月使用若未滿一個月,仍以一個月計價扣款。
  3. 日後使用若發生障礙時(例如:網路故障、速度異常或電腦、分享器等網路週邊商品設定等等),可以向貴公司申請指派專人到府檢修或協助設定。此時:
  4. 貴公司遵照電信法規確實紀錄並保存用戶連線資訊及個人資料至契約終止後一年。期間得應檢調單位要求提供用戶連線紀錄以協助破案。故上網聊天或張貼文章時,本人應遵守網路慣例,不會有妨害他人名譽、詐欺、違反智慧財產權或其他違法之行為。



  1. When and how will I receive my bill ?

    You will receive the bill by email or SMS before the due date. (Except regular automatic payments by credit card). You can change your rate plan or choose other lease period before the due date, according to the tariff plan announced on the official website (https://www.jgnet.tw) at that time.

  2. How to terminate the contract before it expires ?

    Please bring your ID card to our office or contact us by phone or email. We will send our engineer to assist you. The refund will be calculated based on the monthly rental fee:

    rate plan100M200M300M400M
    the monthly rental fee$450$470$500$550

    If you use a credit card to make regular automatic payments, just call our customer service hotline 03-3557460 or send email to service@jgnet.com.tw

  3. What should I do if I have network connection problems ?

    Please feel free to call if you have any question or problems, we would send our engineer to assist you. If the problem is due to our system error, you will not be charged. However, if the issue is with your own device, there is a $500 fee.

  4. Why do I need to provide passport and ARC information ?

    Under the Telecommunications Act, we are required to retain your information for up to one year after cancellation of Internet service.

    JGNet will provide assistance to law enforcement agencies for retrieving IP addresses to identify internet users. Please ensure that you won't break the law.


Thank you very much for reading and welcome you to become a JGNet user!
